For most of us, when we hurt the low back while lifting, the pain starts at the lower spine. It’s usually not a difficult connection to make—that if it’s the low back that is strained, it is the low back that is injured. But in some cases, back pain seems to creep up or come [..]
We want to do the things that promote and speed healing and not do the kinds of things that cause more harm or are destructive. A lot of us know that a little rest when we injure the back is okay, but staying in bed for a week might not be a good idea. Studies [..]
Scientists who have studied the architecture of the spine have
concluded that it is meant for walking. This may come as a surprise
since we humans do very little walking these days. Over the millennia,
our lives have moved from days filled with walking and searching for
food to a largely sedentary existence. A good [..]
Like many health conditions, low back pain
is a chronic problem. Patients with low back pain typically suffer on
and off for years. Back pain seems to come on when we overexert or do
something out of the ordinary, such as moving boxes or when returning to
a sport we have not tried since our [..]
Back problems are commonplace in society. It is important to ask if there might be certain risk factors for back injury
in your life that can be mitigated or avoided, if possible. While we
cannot pick our genetic make-up or even our current occupation (for most
of us), how we interact with our daily tasks [..]